Just over a year ago, I had a realisation about the businesses that I’ve worked with and the journey I have, until recently, unknowingly been on. When I looked at the colours of the companies that had made an impact in my business life, I realised that the first client I ever landed was Allan Gray. having a cornerstone first client like Allan Gray made my company a secure business. Their logo is red. The next big thing that became a turning point in my life was when I joined Entrepreneurs Organisation or EO as they are known. Their logo is orange. A few months later, an opportunity arose for us to pitch for the MTN account. This was also destined to be a game-changer for us. We’d invested a lot in the pitch process and ended up winning a three-year contract with MTN. Their logo is yellow. We then had an opportunity to pitch for a R15 million project for Old Mutual. This was significant as it set us up for the year, allowing us to scale out business and take it to the next level. Old Mutual’s logo is green, and today, they are still one of our biggest clients. It was then that I realised that I was on this journey. I’d gone through the red, orange, yellow and green stages and I thought, “Wow! What’s next in terms of a client fit for us?” So we pitched for and subsequently won a project with Sanlam- blue. Thereafter we won Investic, which is also blue. Recently, we’ve landed the Maserati account- also blue. When I look back at my journey I marvel at the coincidence of the colours of the rainbow and how significant they have been in my business life. I foresee the indigo and violet stage to be sharing my wisdom and reaching my full potential. I would like to not be involved in my business but work on my business, helping others find their pot of gold, which we all know lies within us.
Finding Your Rainbow
The Founder and CEO of Over The Rainbow, Lesley Waterkyne, shares the inspiring story of her Rainbow journey today on the blog: