Finding your true north and live the life you were meant to

Have you been wondering how to unlock your inner ‘pot of gold’? What would you do if you had the key to connecting your passions to your strengths and talents? Wouldn’t that enable you to follow your dreams and live the life you were meant to and want to live? To be an entrepreneur is a challenging path to walk and as many have said it is not a sprint but a marathon. As an entrepreneur you’ll need to be aware of what drives you intrinsically to truly make your business successful and sustainable. Do you understand what your passions, strengths and talents you possess that you need to make it to the finish line? Here are 3 secrets to finding your key and unlock that inner entrepreneurial spirit. Let’s focus on you. Happiness The key to unlocking your inner ‘pot of gold’ lies in understanding what makes you happy. You are already taking control of your work life, but are you truly taking control of your own happiness? The pot of gold does not necessarily signify money. Isn’t the pot of gold about reaching happiness, being proud of who you are and doing something you love? To own control over your happiness you need to be in touch with your worthiness and inner greatness. If you can be yourself, happiness will follow. It is what you are about and that can lead to focused actions to achieve those wanted results. So instead of thinking / change your way of thinking from: if I have money, a partner, home or bicycle, then I can do this and that and then I will be happy for sure; to/  think:  I am happy with who I am, I know now what I want to do to remain happy and I will have the life I was meant to live. Make a Plan Winners have a plan, losers have an excuse. Clarity leads to empowerment and without a clear direction you are chasing two rabbits and you’ll never reached your full potential or be fully committed. Business is a wonderful place for personal growth and learning and it is often said that entrepreneurs are the heroes of free enterprise economy. However, many entrepreneurs today fail to truly become heroes for the simple reason that they plan to get rich quick, which has little to do with actually building a successful business. One of the key strengths of an entrepreneur is that they are committed to stay in it for the long run and determined to create a successful business.  So make a plan and set those goals for the future. You have plenty of time for your product to reach those masses, but without a clear plan you will likely risk failure. What are you good at? The Chinese saying of ‘real gold is not afraid of the test of fire’ has to apply every entrepreneur’s spirit because it is not an easy career path and you will experience many bumps along the way. To handle those bumps well it is important to understand what some of your strengths are. Just ask yourself the simple question of: what am I good at? Think of things that are business related, such as: being creative, assertive, flexible, independent, open-minded, realistic, reliable, responsible, team-player, leader, or a communicator. If you can name 5 of these strengths together with planning ahead and knowing what truly makes you happy, you will have found the key to your true north.

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